#SummerStrategy Webinar: Dockets & Legal News / Legal Research in Practice – June 8

All 2020 W&L Law grads, rising 3Ls, and 2Ls are welcome to attend a webinar co-hosted by the Law Library and Office of Career Strategy, from 4 to 5pm EDT on Monday, June 8.

Helpful topics for your summer work will include dockets, legal news resources, and “real world” legal research with expert practitioner panelists.

See details below. Email ldamelio@wlu.edu for the info to join via Zoom.

Hope to see you there!

New Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings Now Online

The 2019 Washington and Lee Law Journal Rankings are now available at go.wlu.edu/lawjournals.

Maintained by the W&L Law Library, the Rankings are a world-recognized resource for identifying and comparing law journals by subject, country of publication, or rank across several categories relevant to scholars and publishers.

Data for 2019 includes the top 400 U.S.-published law journals and the top 100 law journals published outside the United States, based on citation counts and publication statistics for a 2015-2019 survey period.

New Rankings are released annually based on data up through the preceding calendar year. Historical data from the 1996-2003 to 2014-2018 survey periods remains accessible on the site for reference and comparison.

For more information about W&L Law Journal Rankings, please visit the the How to Use and Methodology pages of the site. Questions and comments are welcome at LawJournalRankings@wlu.edu.