Faculty Publications

Timothy S. Jost, Access to Health Care: Is Self-Help the Answer, 29 J. Legal Med. 23 (2008) available at Westlaw.

Louise Halper, ‘Legal Realism’ in Tehran: Gender Law and the Transformative State,, in The Law Applied: Contextualizing Islamic Sharia, A Volume in Honor of Frank E. Vogel (Bearman, Heinrichs & Weiss, eds., I.B.Tauris 2008).

Faculty Publications

Robin Wilson, The Overlooked Costs Of Religious Deference, 64 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1363 (2008).

Robin Wilson, “Blind Trust: The American Law Institute’s Proposed Treatment of De Facto Parents,” in Pravni Zivot (Legal Life) No.10 (Association of the Jurists of Serbia, Belgrade Serbia, 2007).

A. Benjamin Spencer, Plausibility Pleading, 49 B.C. L. Rev. 431 (2008).

U.N. Law of the Sea Conventions

Official website for United Nations (UN) conventions dating from 1958 that govern claims, counterclaims and sovereignty disputes of the sea. The concerns addressed include ocean noise, the Continental Shelf, seabed authority, and ocean management training. Features text of conventions, historical overview, links to material about bodies established under conventions, and news. Also includes links to related sites. Access at Sea