Guest post by Haley Lawson, 1L and SLACer
After taking Legal Research as a 1L, a law student might feel like they have mastered Westlaw and Lexis and can seamlessly find the answer to any legal research question thrown at them.
While I do not want to burst your bubble, your understanding of these research platforms unfortunately does not make you special. Every 1L across the country has just learned about Lexis and Westlaw. But don’t worry! There are opportunities to set yourself apart as a student and job candidate—and even as a lawyer down the road—with certified, superior online legal research skills.
Just take advantage of the free certifications offered by Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law. These self-paced online programs help you both review fundamentals and learn advanced tips for using legal database tools and content. From transactional drafting and litigation analytics to legislative history and dockets, you can choose your topic and get started anytime. Once complete, you will earn an official credential of certification from the company that looks great on your résumé or LinkedIn page. Take my advice: Check out the certifications for Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg Law and stand apart from the legal research pack!