Faculty Publications

Johnny Rex Buckles, Is the Ban on Participation in Political Campaigns by Charities Essential to Their Vitality and Democracy? A Reply to Professor Tobin, 42 U. Rich. L. Rev. 1057 (2008).

Mark A. Drumbl, Book Review, 19 Eur. J. Int’l L. 443 (2008) (reviewing Jordan J. Paust, Beyond the Law: The Bush Administration’s Unlawful Responses in the “War” on Terror).

Faculty Publications

Frederic L. Kirgis, International Law in American Courts – The United States Supreme Court Declines to Enforce the I.C.J.’s Avena Judgement Relating to a U.S. Obligation under the Convention on Consular Relations, 9 German L.J. 619 (2008), available at Westlaw

A. Benjamin Spencer, Plausibility Pleading, 49 B.C. L. Rev. 431 (2008), available at Westlaw.

Faculty Publications

Robin Fretwell Wilson, “Unauthorized Practice”: Regulating the Use of Anesthetized, Recently Deceased, and Conscious Patients in Medical Teaching, 44 Idaho L. Rev. 423 (2008).

Norman L. Balmer, Fashionable IP or IP for Fashion?, 64 Wash. & Lee L. Rev.275 (2008).

Caprice L. Roberts, “A Desert Grows Between Us”-The Sovereignty Paradox at the Intersection of Tribal and Federal Courts, 64 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 347 (2008).

Faculty Publications

Timothy S. Jost, Access to Health Care: Is Self-Help the Answer, 29 J. Legal Med. 23 (2008) available at Westlaw.

Louise Halper, ‘Legal Realism’ in Tehran: Gender Law and the Transformative State,, in The Law Applied: Contextualizing Islamic Sharia, A Volume in Honor of Frank E. Vogel (Bearman, Heinrichs & Weiss, eds., I.B.Tauris 2008).