Welcome to W&L!

cj1fowgllfc08vzkqpq31mena9cb4m45Welcome to the Library at Washington and Lee School of Law!

Our a physical collection contains over 490,000 volumes and equivalents.  While our focus is U.S. legal materials, our collections include international and foreign law titles, significant materials for research in human rights, legal history, law reviews and legal journals, and study aids.  Our “fun and function” collection provides laptops, iPads, headphones, chargers, puzzles, games, and other items to entertain.  Use the online catalog to search the collections of the both the Law Library and the University Library.

The Law Library provides access to Westlaw, Lexis Advance, Bloomberg Law, HeinOnline, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many other databases and electronic resources both on and off campus.  Electronic resources are accessible via the Law Library website.

Information about hours, borrowing, and services is also available on the Law Library website. Check out our YouTube and Twitter accounts for the latest information on research and the library.

The law librarians and staff in the Law Library are pleased to welcome you to W&L!  Find us on the second and third floors of the law library.

Caroline L. Osborne
Assistant Dean for Legal Information Services and Professor of Legal Research