Brian Leiter’s 2008 Top 40 Law Schools by Student Quality Now Available

Brian Leiter (Texas) has published his Ranking of Top 40 Law Schools by Student (Numerical) Quality 2008 on Brian Leiter’s Law School Rankings website. Noting that LSAT scores are “the best, crude proxy available for measuring student quality,” he ranks the top 40 schools as measured by the average of the 75th and 25th percentile LSAT scores for the class that entered in fall 2007. Class size is the first tie breaker: the larger school with the same LSAT credentials was ranked higher. The second tie breaker is the average of the 75th and 25th percentile GPA scores. Access the website at Leiter

Faculty Publications

Timothy S. Jost, Access to Health Care: Is Self-Help the Answer, 29 J. Legal Med. 23 (2008) available at Westlaw.

Louise Halper, ‘Legal Realism’ in Tehran: Gender Law and the Transformative State,, in The Law Applied: Contextualizing Islamic Sharia, A Volume in Honor of Frank E. Vogel (Bearman, Heinrichs & Weiss, eds., I.B.Tauris 2008).