GAO and GPO Reach Agreement on Hosting GAO Reports and GAO Comptroller General Decisions

The GPO and the GAO have reached an agreement where GAO will now provide public access to the GAO Reports and GAO Comptroller General Decisions databases from its website. The GPO will maintain archives of both databases, but no new content will be added to the GPO Access versions of these databases. This agreement will eliminate duplication of effort on these databases, as well as minimizing version control issues. Under the partnership agreement, if for any reason GAO is not able to provide access to these materials, GPO will resume the responsibility.
Coverage of the databases:
The GAO Reports database contains reports on audits, surveys, investigations, and evaluations of Federal programs conducted by GAO. The content in this database dates back to 1970 and earlier.
The Comptroller General Decisions database contains decisions and opinions issued by the Comptroller General in areas of Federal law such as appropriations, bid protests, and Federal agency rulemaking. It also contains historic material dating back to 1970. GAO is actively working on digitizing its legacy collection so historic material will continue to be added to the two databases.